Victoria Jackson: “Muslim Brotherhood has infiltrated our highest government positions…”

This is NOT the first time we’ve heard this.  I’ve posted about it several times and talked about it on my radio show — many times.  From Steven Emerson to Frank Gaffney to Jayna Davis to Pamela Geller to Tom Trento to Robert Spencer and others, I’ve interviewed them about this very thing. 

If you don’t think the enemy is among us, hiding in plain sight and formulating policies that constrict us with the intention of defeating us, you’ve NOT been paying attention.

Victoria Jackson recently attended a six hour briefing in Washington D.C.  Thirty eight government representatives were invited. Fifteen showed up.  Slides, photos, names, dates and documents were shown overhead proving that the Muslim Brotherhood, not only planned the “Arab Spring” and Libyan take over, but has infiltrated our highest government positions, schools, courts and military and is even making policy.

“…and they are in all of our highest positions, including the president.  I said to this FBI guy, ‘do you think Obama’s a Muslim?’ And he goes, ‘well, the facts are all of his policies side with the Muslims and are against Israel.  That’s just a fact.”

By Radiopatriot

Former Talk Radio Host, TV reporter/anchor, Aerospace Public Relations Mgr, Newspaper Columnist, Political Activist * Telegram/Radiopatriot * Telegram/Andrea Shea King Gettr/radiopatriot * TRUTHsocial/Radiopatriot


  1. It constantly shocks me how people are so brainwashed that they cannot accept the facts as they are presented to them without bias! Yet we just eat up the magazines and other “passive” media which constantly reminds us that Islam is a “peaceful” and “misunderstood” religion that means no harm to us Christians or Jews. World religion is being taught to our children in our schools and they are going to accept Islam into the US without question. Our next generation has to be taught that these people are not living in a “misunderstood” grey area…they either follow Islam and their leaders..or they do not and will be the first ones persecuted. To those who believe that it is only the “extremists” like right wing Christians…I take no offense because they are ignorant and have to be shown the Koran. Thank you so much for staying on top of this issue which will become the bane of our existence!

  2. I don’t know how accurate or otherwise Victoria Jackson’s assertions are. They should be investigated. One thing that is clear though is that she acted courageously by refusing to be silenced.

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