Former Ukrainian warns Americans

Eric Odom writes about Feliks, a Ukranian who fears for our country…

I’m currently on the Tea Party Express bus tour. The tour is hitting 29 cities in 19 states, and provides an incredible opportunity to meet people from all walks of life with vastly different yet unifying stories. One of those stories provides a profound look into the way the Obama agenda is destroying the economic engine of America.

Meet Feliks Sukhovitsky, a home builder from California who decided to drive his truck across America and follow the Tea Party Express.

I’m posting the video interview I did with Feliks below… the two videos are brief but give you a good look at his story. In short, Feliks came to America some 22 years ago as a refugee from Soviet controlled Ukraine. He had about $20 USD to his name and a craving for the American dream.

Feliks started out as a painter and eventually became a homebuilder. Feliks was able to obtain loans and contracts to build homes until the Obama machine took over. Since then, the funding for his projects has frozen and his entire company is stalled.

Watch the interview below.

In the second video I asked Feliks what his message is to Obama. Feliks makes it clear he simply wants to be allowed to create jobs and the government needs to get out of the way.

As Feliks explained, his permits represent a project that would create 10 jobs. According to research he references, there are around 1,000,000 of these kinds of projects currently stalled. That same research suggest the average jobs-per-project is 3. This is 3,000,000 jobs stalled due to Obama policy and agendas.

To make matters worse, each of these projects represents hundreds of thousands of dollars that would flow into True Value, Menards, Home Depot, Lowes and other builder supply stores who work with tens of thousands of vendors. Think of the jobs THAT damages!

It’s amazing that Feliks, just one man, is so deeply tied to an entire economic engine that has been completely shut down due to over-reaching government regulation and financial red-tape.

I’ve always known Obama was aggressively acting malicious against the business environment of America. But this is the first time I’ve been given an insider’s glimpse of how badly it has damaged the construction industry.

Eric Odom

By Radiopatriot

Former Talk Radio Host, TV reporter/anchor, Aerospace Public Relations Mgr, Newspaper Columnist, Political Activist * Telegram/Radiopatriot * Telegram/Andrea Shea King Gettr/radiopatriot * TRUTHsocial/Radiopatriot

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