Do not dismiss his words.

. . . . .

Glenn Beck this morning:

You’re about to see this president embrace the uprisings — the teachers’ unions here, all of it.

But not the Tea Party — oh no.

With these riots or marches, you will see him say it — it is coming because this is what he wanted – a bottom up — people demanding change — revolution.  He said it, the CEO of Google says it.  A bottom up revolution here in America.  And when that bottom rises up and says “we need change” he will say “the people have spoken — “We need change!”

They are going to provoke and poke and push and more and more poeple are going to think we have got to Rise up!  Stand up!  They are begging for it.

The answer is to be an educated entrepreneurial person who connects with others and thinks outside of the box.  Got to Please. Connect with other people. You must do it.

You are going to see more and more discrediting of me and anyone like me who’s telling you these things.

Please do your own homework. Please know who you are.  Please connect with one another.

. . . . .

By Radiopatriot

Former Talk Radio Host, TV reporter/anchor, Aerospace Public Relations Mgr, Newspaper Columnist, Political Activist * Telegram/Radiopatriot * Telegram/Andrea Shea King Gettr/radiopatriot * TRUTHsocial/Radiopatriot


  1. I am convinced that we are witnessing the evolution towards International totalitarianism , and its being Instrumented and funded in part by the Federal Reserve , along with a whole host of other tools , all because of the Fear of OVERPOPULATION in the Circles of the Global Elites . The evidence is astounding , the Blue Prints of Monetary and Trade policies together with the Inactivity of Governments to enforce Constitutional laws , all leads us right down the road to totalitarianism .
    This read furthers the case of where we are in the process of understanding what its evolving in the World as we see the events play out . The USA needs to consider isolating from the world and maintain its Independence Thanks again for your time .
    heres 3 sites worth considering in how the USA looks 2 the future for sake of LIBERTY !

    END THE FEDERAL RESERVE BEFORE ITS TO LATE !! IF WE LOSS OUR INDEPENDENT ACCESS TO ENERGY ITS OVER WE WILL BEG FOR OUR LIVES !!! , we the people need to be back in control of our Monetary policy so we the people have a chance at Sustaining the Independence of the USA and her citizens , because the domination thats Playing out is not worth the sacrifice of Individual Liberty of the US citizens , is it ??

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