GOOGLE — Do no evil???

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Google – the topic of one of Glenn Beck’s segments this morning.

“Google is partnered with seemingly everyone on the left into a system where they are manipulating people thru Face book — This is Cass Sunstein, who said you’ve got to infiltrate their groups, pose as some of them, destroy them from the inside, call them who try to discredit them by calling them a conspiracy theorist even if the theories prove out to be true.  Does that sound familiar?

I don’t know the difference between propaganda where everyone said the Govt isn’t paying artists to put up artwork to make you want healthcare, and when we proved it was, the guy was fired.  …what is the diff between that and what we’re doing now with google – the most powerful force on the internet.  is there anything more powerful with google?  and our govt is in bed with them in unbelievable ways.

We have had people for a while people inside of google who have alerted this program that are terrified of some of the things google is doing and involved it.  Understand, we have stuff on Google servers, it’s almost impossible not to do things on Google, but we don’t have Gmail anymore.

I have a hard time because I’m a business man, but this isn’t just a business, this is a company that’s mission is Do no evil.  They’ll make sure they’re on the right side and are in bed with those who understand propaganda. And now two Google execs have admitted causing the uprising in Egypt. They proudly say they’ve done it… holy cow.

But remember, that’s a conspiracy theory.  Just ask Cass Sunstein.

I know that they have an awful lot of technology that’s in the wrong hands. I don’t like what they stand for.

By Radiopatriot

Former Talk Radio Host, TV reporter/anchor, Aerospace Public Relations Mgr, Newspaper Columnist, Political Activist * Telegram/Radiopatriot * Telegram/Andrea Shea King Gettr/radiopatriot * TRUTHsocial/Radiopatriot


  1. Google keeps a data base on your IP address and tracks your searches. I have taken the Google search off my Web site and have Startpage instead as Startpage does not track your IP and searches.

    Also StartINGpage allows you to search Google via proxy so Google will not be able to know who you are. The IP that Google stores will be the StartingPage IP.

    Great article, Andrea.

    God Help Us.

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