Egypt Protest Organizers Tied to Code Pink Efforts to Aid Terror Group Hamas

More revelations from Code Pink.

Medea Benjamin, leader of the left-wing, pro-Islamist-terrorist group Code Pink said in an interview Wednesday the group had previously worked with organizers of the campaign to overthrow the Egyptian government when Code Pink agitated in Cairo the year before.  Code Pink worked on behalf of the terrorist group Hamas against the government’s blockade of Hamas-controlled Gaza. At the time, Code Pink said their safety in Gaza was guaranteed by Hamas.

Code Pink has acted as a go-between from Hamas to President Barack Obama. In 2009, Hamas gave Code Pink a letter for Obama. Code Pink co-founder Jodie Evans, who is also a top fundraiser for Obama, visited the White House and met with a senior aide to Obama confidante Valerie Jarrett after one of the group’s trips to Hamas-controlled Gaza in 2009.

Speaking to Laura Flanders on GritTV, Code Pink co-founder Medea Benjamin made the startling revelation about previously working with the protest organizers to help Hamas when asked a question about outside influence on the protests.

Benjamin had just returned from a week in Cairo where she and her Code Pink lackey Tighe Barry had originally planned to lead Code Pink’s ninth trip to Hamas-controlled Gaza via Egypt in the past two years. That trip was cancelled by the Egyptian government in the wake of the protests.

As we previously reported, when Benjamin arrived in Cairo last weekend, she was brought to the nerve center of the protests (the Egyptian Center for Economic and Social Justice) and met with protest leaders.

Code Pink claims to have raised more than $10,000 to aide those in Egypt working to overthrow the Egyptian government.

Laura Flanders: “We want to debunk the myth that this was the all work of the brotherhood of Islam or the Islamic brotherhood or the work of Code Pink.”

(Plays video clip mocking Glenn Beck for pointing out ties between Code Pink and the Muslim Brotherhood.)

“But there is something in that space between a conspiracy of outsiders and a completely spontaneous eruption. There are groups on the ground–we’ve heard about the role of big labor movement. You found people on the ground who you recognized, who you knew from other work.”

Medea Benjamin: “We have been going to Egypt to get into Gaza several times. And on one occasion a little over a year ago we had 1300 people who were trying to go to Gaza with us called the Gaza Freedom March. And we were joined by many Egyptians who then lo and behold were among the people who were the organizers of this. Groups like the April 6 Movement, people who are part of the journalist groups, the lawyers groups, the, some of the, a group called Kifaya, which means ‘enough.’

So we had interacted with many of these people before. And in fact it was in that square (Tahrir Square) that we had been beaten up by the police just over a year ago. And I had a feeling Laura going back and forth to Egypt that this was going to explode…

Benjamin neglects to mention that among those who traveled to Cairo with Code Pink a year ago were former Weather Underground terrorists Bill Ayers and his wife Bernardine Dohrn, both of whom waged a Marxist terror war against the United States forty years ago. The Muslim Brotherhood coincidentally borrowed a Weather Underground tactic and name for their violent protests, the “Day of Rage.” On that day of rage police stations were ransacked and Muslim Brotherhood (as well as Hamas and al Qaeda) prisoners were reportedly freed from Egyptian prisons by rioting mobs.

While Benjamin ignores Code Pink’s ties to the Muslim Brotherhood (Code Pink advertised on the Muslim Brotherhood’s Web site beseeching jihadis to “Join us in cleansing our country!”), she does mention that the Muslim Brotherhood was involved in the protests at Tahrir Square:

“…I have faith in so many of the secular people who just came to (Tahrir) Square and said, “I’m not leaving here,” and for the first time made relationships with the Muslim Brotherhood people…”

Flanders raised an interesting point that critics of Glenn Beck have failed to raise–that the protests didn’t develop in a vacuum, that years of interaction by Egyptians with leftist outsiders experienced in fomenting revolutions and otherwise undermining governments helped lay the groundwork for the campaign to overthrow the Mubarak government.

Benjamin was kind enough to admit to the world that that indeed was the case–and that the groups involved were also involved in aiding the terrorist group Hamas by publicly challenging the blockade of Hamas-controlled Gaza and provoking a violent response from the Egyptian government.

While the average man and woman in the Egyptian street may be protesting for freedom and against corruption and government abuse, some of the organizers of the protests appear to have a different agenda–one of furthering radical Islam by aiding terrorists like Hamas with the help of Code Pink.

By Radiopatriot

Former Talk Radio Host, TV reporter/anchor, Aerospace Public Relations Mgr, Newspaper Columnist, Political Activist * Telegram/Radiopatriot * Telegram/Andrea Shea King Gettr/radiopatriot * TRUTHsocial/Radiopatriot


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