Karl Rove steps on his… er, duck.

If only he was this tough on Obama’s Timothy Geithner… Karl Rove’s mask has slipped.

As Jim Hoft at Gateway Pundit says, “Obviously, Castle’s liberal voting record did not upset Rove as much as O’Donnell’s character flaws.
Karl Rove needs to apologize.”

We all heard Rush say it.  Michelle Malkin prints it:

12:15pm Eastern Rush Limbaugh weighs in. “I never heard Karl Rove as mad at a Democrat as he was at Christine O’Donnell last night.”

More Rush: “If 51 seats is so important, let’s go balls to the wall” for O’Donnell.

Dan Riehl is calling for Rove’s head on Fox’ silver platter.

The Other McCain (that would be Stacy…) writes at the Spectator that O’Donnell’s solid win “changes everything.

By Radiopatriot

Former Talk Radio Host, TV reporter/anchor, Aerospace Public Relations Mgr, Newspaper Columnist, Political Activist Twitter.com/RadioPatriot * Telegram/Radiopatriot * Telegram/Andrea Shea King Gettr/radiopatriot * TRUTHsocial/Radiopatriot


  1. What is wrong with rove? He acts like christine just cost him a million vucks.. He is making it personal… Did her dad kill his dad or something? Ugly

  2. I lost a little respect for Karl Rove last night. This is ridiculous! We NEED new blood in the congress and senate. Business-as-usual certainly hasn’t been working and we need to get rid of those who don’t know any other way and won’t look at any other way. I, for one, am GLAD Christine O’Donnell won! If she doesn’t work out, they’ll vote her out, too. But at least it’s someone who is willing to listen to the voters for a change!

  3. The Tea party Candidates just need to focus on these Un American Values make sure Everyone Knows about these UnAmerican values like this below and don’t hesitate on making this the Establishment RINOs and Liberals Problem that THEY LET THIS KIND OF DISCRIMINATE THINKING evolve over their time in OFFICE and they NEED THE GO HOME and Let some NEW THINKING TRY TO INNOVATE a WAY FORWARD NOT CONSOLIDATE AND ELIMINATE BECAUSE OF A FUTURE PRESUMPTION OF TO MANY PEOPLE ON EARTH , THATS WHAT THEY THINK THEY REALLY DO …



  4. That is the same Karl Rove that adamantly supported ultra-liberal, pro-abortion Arlen Specter, right up until the day that Specter openly became a Democrat.

    If the money problems of Christine O’Donnell were truly of such concern to the Republican Party, then all that needs to happen is for Karl Rove to make some phone calls, and some wealthy businessman could create a high-paying job for her. The GOP could provide her a pro-bono tax lawyer. They could do a lot of things, IF they actually wanted a true grass-roots conservative to win. But, they don’t.

    The GOP did the same thing to me both times that I ran for Congress (1994 in Upstate NY, 2006 in middle TN). In 1994, they tried to hang emotionally-negative labels on me with no factual support. (e.g.: “mystery man”) In 2006, the Tennessee Repubican Party actually made phone calls to tell Republicans to NOT vote for me, even though I was on the GOP ballot line against Socialist water-carrier Jim Cooper.

    Pat Buchannan was right when he called the Democrats and the Republicans “two wings of the same bird of prey”.

    America’s Independent Party: http://www.AIPnews.com

    Break the two-party logjam!

  5. So Karl Rove is into Picking who Lives in the Republican Party like Bill Gates is Into Picking how long someone lives their life ?????
    Man this is exactly what we are fighting to keep from happening , all the brave people who have fought and died in massive wars over the years of the past 233 years of the republic , right ?

  6. Don’t you remember who Karl Rowe worked for?? The Bush’s are just as much of the problem as Obama. They just hid behind the Republican Banner. If you give crooks enough rope they will hang themselves. The bigger problem is can we keep the movement together to overcome now what appears to be a split Republican party. How about that timing thing??

    1. I think we need to find out How many RINOs think earth has reached its human carrying capacity like all the Progressive Liberals have , and publicly challenge them all to speak up and tell we the people why they think it prove their concepts and tell the truth about why they been doing all this goofy legislation behind closed doors against the will of the people , because it looks like this overpopulation theory is whats driving them to write the kinds of policies we been seeing .
      The USA along with the rest of the Industrialized nations practicing capitalism show sustainable populations , its those who are under dictatorships that have unsustainable population growth and thats where I would challenged these Eugenics Freaks to a Debate on the Topic , Like Bill Gates have that clown look at this Fertility Chart , https://www.cia.gov/library/publications/the-world-factbook/rankorder/2127rank.html , and ask Why do you think Americans Need to give up their Freedom loving ways of Liberty when we are all ready a perfect model for the sustainable population philosophy , so why the attempted takeover of Free Market Economics thats actually teaching a understanding of the sustainable and equality of Life ?
      And could it be that from the higher levels of Free market Opportunity that spurs Free Thinking and Thought processing maybe the Philosophies of Gods word might be processing the ideas better behind a understanding that God wants a sustainable living standard , as is drawn out in the 7 deadly sins , Google them and read the descriptions , that guide life , if you follow them sustainable life I think God had laid out the Road Map for .
      Like John Wayne said ” Life’s Tough , but its a lot tougher if you are stupid” , right ?
      Its those who have a motive of Domination that are deviating us from the 7 Principles of sustainable Life , its just that simple I freely think ….

  7. I am a former Dem (now Tea Party) due to the corrupt, inept Democratic Party, which started due to Rick Santelli’s rant “heard round the world”, we had no idea Republicans were just as disgusted with their party. Rush is correct it is the government against the people which the Tea Party understands. In a very short time Feb 09 til now, the Tea Party went from never mentioned to a force to be reckoned with-DC still is not listening. A huge point Karl Rove misses is Christine/WE THE PEOPLE have all been struggling for a long time. The only ones who do not appear to be struggling are all the gov’t and peripheral folks in DC (lobbyists etc.) could this be due to the myriad , back breaking laws (taxes)that both the Dems and Reps laid on the people? I wonder what Karl is really upset about-DC sure does not want to release their iron grip of power over WE THE PEOPLE.
    Another point that DC misses is Obama’s numbers started a big slide in June of last year he was -17 on Rasmussen today, the slide did not occur due to Republicans changing their minds, but Dems leaving the party in mass. The Tea Party began because of Obama/DNC massive over-reaches and power grabs. I hope WE THE PEOPLE/Tea Party restore the balance of power and sanity especially fiscal responsibility.

  8. see I think the Dems and RINOs have convinced themselves through Technology and Science that the world has reached its carrying capacity for humans , and that they are following the plan that was first initiated Kissinger back in the 1970s when he did this NSSM200 study , http://www.population-security.org/11-CH3.html , and predictions to when population controls would be needed were laid out in this study . The same Czars that are advising Obama wrote thesis after thesis about these philosophies to earths carrying capacity reaching its peak , and they are doing all the Goofy legislation we see today that is all about restricting human access to resources , the very thing we have spent the last 60 plus years working and innovating our way of usage to extend life span , the Government is now trying to implement legislation that will actually reverse , Bill Gates is saying this in the video , and he is one of the Innovators that created technology over the years thats led to human longevity being extended , so there is the proof of their intentions and why we saw the closed doors session of Congress , back Room dealing and all the Congress on the take confiscating everyone wealth away from them with massive regulation and taxation plans and we the people need to stand up and challenge them to a Fair Debate and make them tell us the truth !!!!!

  9. Planned Parenthood’s anti-immigration, population control eugenics supporters

    In September, 2006, Dr. John H. Tanton was interviewed by George A. Colburn. In this segment, Dr. Tanton discusses books on population that were published in the 1950’s through the 1960’s. He learned of Zero Population Growth that was formed in 1969 and joined the organization. He discusses the Nixon “Rockefeller Commission” report of 1971 that concluded that immigration was “too sensitive to deal with”. He realized that immigration would be the driving force behind US population growth and that perhaps we should pay some attention to it.

  10. Its time for New Thinking in Washington DC , Its past TIME !!!!!
    The RINOs are in the same Frame of Mind as the Progressives , this process within the Innovative and Financial industries are in Lock Step with each other , now go figure out why the economy collapsed really , when in the bringing less than 2 % of the Home Mortgages were under water , and that has brought the banking sector to a complete collapse , ??? I don’t think so , there is more going on here than meets the eye , and why Credit is Gone from the system . Kissinger said in the NSSM200 study , ” the way to control the Population is by control the wealth creation , over the years of the So Called Free Trade agreement our wealth has been sucked away with out sourcing our Primary wealth creation , manufacturing just like Ross Perot said would happen in 1992 during the presidential debates . Cause the crisis to then come in and appear to be saving us all from disaster , really , while they do legislation behind closed doors that has nothing to do with restarting the economy , like last years health care ….. Hummmmm

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