Coming soon to a town near you

Mexican soldiers display seized weapons after a raid operation on a drug hit men training camp near the municipality of Higueras, some 50 km (31 miles) away from Monterrey May 11, 2010. The army seized machine guns, rifles, four rocket-propelled grenade launchers, two rockets, grenades, ammunition, twelve trucks and communication radios during the raid, according to local media. One drug hit man died during the operation. REUTERS/Tomas Bravo (MEXICO - Tags: MILITARY SOCIETY CRIME LAW)

A friend emailed me this morning with these disturbing photos.  It had been sent to him with the following note included.  I’ve left it in so you can read what I did, and draw your own conclusions.  Slide show of photos taken by Border Patrol follows. (Chopper pilot Pitchpull has a border prediction).

Very interesting information!  This came from a good friend who now lives in  Arizona  – He and I became acquainted when I was flying and he was here with Civil Air Patrol, and he has since gone to better things.  He is VERY involved with aviation and travels the world consulting and helping with aerial involvements.  He is not particularly ‘political’ and, when he thinks we are in deep stuff, I believe him.

Hey Gang,
Got this last week and made a call to a friend in a high place at HLS in WDC and he verified this is real and it is close to home town  Arizona .  He could not reveal the actual location or the date, but it is recently.  We are in DEEP Do Do!

Tue, 6 Jul, 2010 11:56:03 -0700

Our country is in BIG trouble.

Anybody want to boycott Arizona now?  This can happen in your state, too.

Why was there no news coverage of this raid on the  Arizona  border?  More importantly, where did all these weapons come from and why were they being brought into this country?

People wonder why we want enforce our laws in Arizona or anywhere along the border?

This is exactly why we MUST support our friends in ARIZONA.

This seizure was just five days ago, located on the Arizona border!  This is but one seizure that has taken place along the border over the past year.  There have been many more like this.

Exactly where did you hear about it in OUR media?  NOWHERE!  Not a mention on ABC – CBS – NBC – MSNBC – or CNN news!  These photos and reports come from a Spanish language news source. Thank God for the border patrol and they did not allow this to come over the border.  This is one ‘graphic picture’, but it tells the true story of just how serious border control really is!

Let us ENFORCE the laws across the board for EVERYONE who violates them – nothing discriminatory about that at all, amigos!

What would motivate anyone to object to protecting our borders after they have seen this?  Sadly, many still will object to laws like the one  Arizona  recently adopted.  Our own Federal Government intends to sue  Arizona  over their law but the Feds’ law reads almost word for word as do many other states laws already on the books.  Problem is, they refuse to enforce the laws already in effect.

Sorta makes you wonder who our real enemies really are, does it not?

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Stash of assault rifles

The border area has become so dangerous that it resembles a war zone.

Enough ammunition to outfit a small army was confiscated.

Military caps and equipment were among the cache of weapons.

All types of assault weapons were among the cache.  Many were military grade weapons with plenty of ammo.

There were enough guns to open a gun shop.

It was a major arsenal of weapons including grenade launchers.

Not only weapons, but also vehicles believed to have been stolen were found at the site.

One smuggler was killed during the operation when he fired on the border patrol agents.
Numerous Police style bullet proof vests were found in one vehicle.

More than 200 large weapons were confiscated along with about 30 smaller arms.

2 grenade launchers were among the cache.

It appears these guys intended to portray themselves as police officers or military men.

Each vehicle checked had been reported stolen in the  USA  in the recent past!

$380,000 worth of stolen vehicles were recovered.

More than 60 grenades of varying size were found.

Some contained Arabic writing on them.

Numerous hand guns with loaded clips were also found in the cache.

A single grenade like this could bring $5,000 on the streets of the  USA .

Each of these weapons could be sold for as much as $5,000 on the black market in the  USA .

More than 80 stolen cell phones were found.

These could be used for detonating bombs remotely.

Still more rifles were found stuffed in several SUV’s.

Clips loaded with live bullets were just too numerous to count.

All types of weapons include Afghan – Russian – Chinese and many others.

By Radiopatriot

Former Talk Radio Host, TV reporter/anchor, Aerospace Public Relations Mgr, Newspaper Columnist, Political Activist * Telegram/Radiopatriot * Telegram/Andrea Shea King Gettr/radiopatriot * TRUTHsocial/Radiopatriot


  1. As horrendous as this is, those aren’t Americans who capturd the stash – no American flags on the sleeves. This happened in Mexico, in May.
    I hate that I found it on BO’s spin machine, Fact Check, but I really believe conservative blogs have to be very careful when posting ANY and EVERYTHING.
    Protecting ourselves from the onslaught of the Progressives has to be another aspect of any reporting.
    The youtube video of it can be found here:

    So very important to check everywhere before posting.

    But thanks for the good work you do.

    1. Thanks for the clarification. Still, it is chilling to see what is happening so close to our border.

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