“The enemy is within the gates” – Marcus Tullius Cicero

“The enemy is within the gates; it is with our own luxury, our own folly, our own criminality that we have to contend” ~ Marcus Tullius Cicero

Earlier I posted about what Gen. Jerry Boykin told us during his visit on my radio show Tuesday night.  To recap:

“Most people are concerned about terrorism, as we should be.  But terrorism will not destroy America.

What will destroy America and is indeed showing a great deal of success right now is the Muslim Brotherhood which infiltrated America over three decades ago,  and they are the ones having the greatest impact on our society today.

And they are led by people who are hard core Jihadists — it’s a stealth Jihad.  The terrorism enhances their cause greatly, but these people are running a stealth Jihad in our country.

They’ve infiltrated our government, our military, our communities.  They’ve taken over places like Dearborn, Michigan, and they’re about to take over Minneapolis and St Paul.  They have a very, very deliberate plan — it’s a five-phase plan.  We found the plan in 2004 in Annandale, Virginia, in a false basement.  They have a five-phase plan and they’re at the latter stages of Phase 3 now.  It’s a very serious, serious situation.”

Dymphna from Gates of Vienna responded with her own comment. With her permission, I share it with you.

They Really ARE Out to Get Us: Learn Shariah from the Experts

The definitive work on Islam (specifically Shari’a, which is how they plan to take over) is written by the evil ones themselves. A reader kindly got us a copy since our book budget is no more…

You MUST obtain a copy of “The Reliance of the Traveler”.  Reliance is #3 on Amazon’s Islamic Law. Amazon is a wealth of information. I would particularly recommend the comment section in “Reliance”. A great many Muslim opinions there.

Unless this book goes viral in the US, there is no hope that Americans can understand how vile the Islamist political system really is. They make the Communists look like Boy Scouts. No wonder Hitler loved these guys.

In order to understand the stealth jihad of the Muslim Brotherhood, its origins, and its current work here in the US, also get Andy McCarthy’s book, “The Grand Jihad: How Islam and the Left Sabotage America”.  (Currently “The Grand Jihad” is listed in Amazon as #2 in books on Islam and #4 in books about ideologies.)  Mr. McCarthy lays out their whole history from the very beginnings in Egypt. Don’t forget he cut his teeth on this stuff when he successfully prosecuted the Blind Sheikh for the 1993 bombing of the World Trade Center, an experience he describes in “Willful Blindness” (Even now, “Willful Blindness – published in 2008 – is #56 in Amazon’s history).

But what he does in his new book, which is crucial, is to tie in the Muslim Brotherhood with stout bonds of proof to our lovely America- hating leftists. Must reading, for sure.

(I got the McCarthy book also as a gift from another of our readers. I’m going to send it on to him when we’re done reading it. Sharing is great in hard times…However, “Reliance” is for keeps. An indispensable reference for all of us. Now that I’ve read some of it, I realize how crucial it is to know this book well. I’d live on beans for a month to have it available.)

The English version of “Reliance of the Traveller” was approved by al-Azhar University in Egypt (and as you know, Egypt was the birthplace of the Muslim Brotherhood). “Reliance” is read by Muslims world-wide, and adhered to closely by their imams. This is THE interpretation of Islam behavior, belief, and discipline as outlined in Sharia law.

Reliance is a beautifully bound and printed work. The devil in drag, hmmm? The Arabic for each page faces the English translation and it’s printed on fine, thin paper. At 29.00 for a copy, I do wonder who is subsidizing the publication. Given the quality, it should be at least twice that.

Muslims cannot say it’s been “misinterpreted” or “taken out of context”, either. It’s has seals from all the Bigs, including al-Azhar University. That’s like an imprimatur from the Pope.

If this gets TOO popular, will it also get disappeared, I wonder? Well, too late: the cat is out of the bag and even if they remove it, our samizdat entrepreneurs will be selling pirated copies somewhere. But only if the West understands the importance of this book.

Your head will spin at the tiny, minute, micromanagement of the Muslim psyche, not to mention the actual evil these people propose as good spiritual practice. I can only read a few pages at a time without wanting to gargle my soul with Listerine.

By Radiopatriot

Former Talk Radio Host, TV reporter/anchor, Aerospace Public Relations Mgr, Newspaper Columnist, Political Activist Twitter.com/RadioPatriot * Telegram/Radiopatriot * Telegram/Andrea Shea King Gettr/radiopatriot * TRUTHsocial/Radiopatriot

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