Good grief! We have Ray Nagin in the White House!

I really need to move on to other tasks this morning, but right now I can’t pull myself away from the atrocity that’s happening in the Gulf Coast and the criminal activity inside the Oval and Congress regarding this oil spill catastrophe.  Glenn Beck: We’ve got Salem witch trials going on in Washington DC. (Audio 2:22)  Is today Thursday?  Is today Thursday?!!! Un-freaking-believable.

In the words of a commenter at HotAir‘s post “Coast Guard shuts down oil-skimming barges due to … lack of life vests onboard”:

Good grief! We have Ray Nagin sitting in the White House.

The newest appointment of a “czar” solves nothing. It is just one more layer of bureaucracy that the other alphabet soups have to clear.

Amendment X is looking better and better all of the time. The federal government is just a lumbering beast unable to address a problem expediently.

The citizens and their local leaders have more common sense than does Captain Kick*ass. Their communities and livelihoods are at stake and they have the self-reliance to do something about this growing disaster.

A quick perusal of comments shows the exasperation and anger that’s building over the handling of this eco-catastrophe:

How much damage will this America hater be allowed to do until someone upholds their oath of office and removes him?

Sarah Palin twittered on May 31st:

Gov.Jindal:to avoid ravished coast, build the berms.Ask forgiveness later;Feds are slow to act,local leadership&action can do more for coast

And this…

– Shutting down barges for life vest inspections
– failing to waive Jones act to allow foreign vessels
– forcing workers to wear tyvex suits
– not allowing 99.5% cleaned water to be release back into the Gulf…

Sounds like when a Union enacts an effective work stoppage via enforcing full compliance of contract work rules…

Who says all these union hacks in the administration don’t know what they are doing…

And yet we have the likes of Nostrilaitis drilling BP’s Tony Hayward NOW, instead of insisting that all the resources available be brought to bear on protecting our Gulf Coast and the lives of those who depend on it. Why? Why aren’t they? Look no further than George Soros, Petrobras, and Barack Obama. The thugs running the country.

It’s time people. It is time.

By Radiopatriot

Former Talk Radio Host, TV reporter/anchor, Aerospace Public Relations Mgr, Newspaper Columnist, Political Activist * Telegram/Radiopatriot * Telegram/Andrea Shea King Gettr/radiopatriot * TRUTHsocial/Radiopatriot


  1. I think the States need to take action to fix the problem. IGNORE the bullshit that’s coming out of Washington. Talk to the hand. obama is giving anywhere between 2-10 BILLION DOLLARS to Brazil to drill a DEEP WATER well almost 3 times the depth of the Gulf Oil Rig. EXPLAIN THAT TO US, OBAMA. AND DON’T SAY IT HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH GEORGE SOROS’ recent deal with the Brazillian company. CONFLICT OF INTEREST? OUT AND OUT CORRUPTION, MF!

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