
Great ad. Too bad Chrysler’s operating on an unconstitutional bailout…

By Radiopatriot

Former Talk Radio Host, TV reporter/anchor, Aerospace Public Relations Mgr, Newspaper Columnist, Political Activist * Telegram/Radiopatriot * Telegram/Andrea Shea King Gettr/radiopatriot * TRUTHsocial/Radiopatriot


  1. To laugh or cry… I don’t know which is appropriate.. a company owned, fascist-style, by a government which publicly browbeats another company, a de facto COMPETITOR to ‘government motors’, bragging in an ad about how great Freedom is in America.

    We have less than ever, FAR less freedom than the revolutionaries fought for and gained. Soon we’ll have none at all, except the fiction promulgated in the car ads produced by “Government Motors”.

  2. Chrysler made some tough cars, Challenger being one of them. The first 300C’s were my favorite. Too bad they didn’t take on the unions and the government like they did the Red Coats. Maybe then they could have stood tall and proud beside their cars.

  3. It would be a wonderful ad if it was true. Unfortunately, we have very little freedom to speak of at the moment, but maybe that will change in November. I certainly hope so. Perhaps Chrysler is recognizing the folly of the bailouts — I doubt it, but it’s nice to dream.

  4. Back when America ruled the road. Even LeMans the Ford GT took on the worlds best and won.
    Chrysler, Dodge, and Plymouth ruled the American landscape. In 1968 Bullitt was the movie, the iconic Mustang and the Dodge Charger, then Vanishing Point with the Dodge Challenger.
    The Scat Pack and Rapid Transit System rumbled and thundered on the highways and biways.
    Now look at these companies, a sad tale in a few short years.
    The new Challenger is not the musclecar era one, and the new Dodge is not the same either.

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