Brazilian Oil Company gets $2b US loan- Thanks Barack.

Excuse me? Wouldn’t somebody say ‘we’re fighting a war right now?'”

Glenn Beck is on a tear about yesterday’s sham Congressional hearings on the BP Oil spill and the grilling they gave to BP’s Tony Hayward.

“Why don’t you ask these dumb questions AFTER we fix the oil leak!  All of these people will be held in front of an eternal judge for what they have done to this country, and man’s rights and freedoms.  They will be praying for the mercy of Guantanamo when they face that judge!” (Listen to audio 1:47)

“And who loses in this?  The American people lose, led by the people of the Gulf Coast.  And what are we doing? We’ve got a president who wants to shut it down.  Bullcrap!  Every single person you’ve appointed is against that (drilling).

“This government because of this spill — and if it’s because its reckless, nail BP to the wall within the law — but you now have a government doing everything it can not to solve the problem but to pass Cap and Trade, which will make your energy costs “skyrocket”.”

It’s what I said yesterday — this hearing is like feeding Christians to the lions.  (Listen to audio 2:23)

“How is that going to help the people on the Gulf coast? The American people?  The dishonesty and greed is what’s killing us. The lack of honor, of any kind of integrity, spine, common sense is bad enough. But when you have greed and corruption and no sense of any one with any honor and integrity…

American people, it will — as it always does — come down to us.” (Listen to audio 1:48)

By Radiopatriot

Former Talk Radio Host, TV reporter/anchor, Aerospace Public Relations Mgr, Newspaper Columnist, Political Activist * Telegram/Radiopatriot * Telegram/Andrea Shea King Gettr/radiopatriot * TRUTHsocial/Radiopatriot


  1. I was troubled by the Brazil, Soros, Ex-Im Bank and executive
    order relationship that I heard about and when trying to gather
    information to share with a very liberal family member, I came
    to see the facts from a different perspective and after difficult deliberation with myself dediced that the “facts” that were first
    presented to me by Mr. Beck may not have painted a true picture of this Brazil/Ex-Im relationshp. It was not an executive order and Brazil will potentially purchase many U.S. goods and services related to oil drilling and exploration because of the $2 billion loan/guarantee to Petrobas, which seems to be the purpose of the transaction. I am crushed.

  2. Facts About the Proposed Ex-Im Bank Loans for Petrobras’ Brazilian Offshore Oil Exploration and Development

    Background on Ex-Im Bank:
    The Export-Import Bank of the United States’ (Ex-Im Bank) mission is to help create and sustain jobs for American workers. The Bank does this at no cost to the American taxpayer; in the past sixteen years the Bank has netted the American people $4.9 billion and the jobs those exports have supported.
    More than 80% of Bank authorizations during the last fiscal year directly benefited small businesses.
    Charges and facts:
    Charge: The U.S. government is giving away more than $2 billion in taxpayer dollars to Brazil’s largest oil and gas company to drill for oil in Brazil.

    Fact: The Bank has approved a preliminary commitment to lend up to $2 billion to Petrobras for the purchase of American-made goods and services. The funds will go to American exporters as payment for their sales to the company. Of note, the Bank is self-sustaining and no taxpayer dollars are involved.

    Charge: The loans to Petrobras represent a giveaway of U.S. tax dollars.

    Fact: The Bank’s activities do not cost the American taxpayer a dime. In fact, since 1992 the American people netted more than $4.9 billion and the jobs those exports created.

    Charge: America is exporting jobs to Brazil as a result of the loans.

    Fact: Only American made goods and services qualify for Ex-Im Bank loans or guarantees. This is the government doing what it’s supposed to do – helping to create U.S. jobs, making sure that Americans get a fair shot at selling goods and services, and helping American workers compete on a level playing field against foreign competition.

    Charge: The loan to Petrobras represents a reversal of the Obama Administration’s policies on off-shore drilling.

    Fact: The Bank’s bipartisan Board unanimously approved the preliminary commitment to Petrobras on April 14, 2009, before any Obama appointees joined the Bank. In fact, at the time the Bank’s Board consisted of three Republicans and two Democrats, all of whom were appointed by George W. Bush.

  3. These facts appear to come from the Ex-Im Bank website. They are also supported by any number of references online concerning the whole purpose of the Ex-Im bank. This isn’t a giveaway, but a loan to a very profitable corporation. The Ex-Im bank is self supporting and is mirrored by many banks around the world.

    The Ex-Im Bank’s whole purpose in life is to loan money to corporations so they buy US Exports (hence the name).

    You can decide for yourself who exactly approved this, but the Obama appointees didn’t start on the board until after the deal was approved. Unless, of course, you believe Ex-Im altered their website after the fact.

  4. So right after the loan is approved…..Obama promotes the chairman of Export/Import Bank to the position of President. Hmmm? Why?? Very sweet since his buddy George Soros is set to make very much money off of any success that the oil company has. (he just happens to be a majority stock holder.) Also….if it all goes to “Hell In A Hand Basket”….guess who bails out the loan? Yep…the American Tax payer. That is fact! So twist the verbage anyway you want to, it all stinks to high Heaven. Oh, by the way…..there is no guarantee that Petrobras will use the money to buy anything from the U.S. No where will you find it written that they HAVE to spend the money on purchases from the U.S.
    This little transaction may come back to bite Obama in the arse!

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