Michael Holler, Nina, John, and the Constitution

Mike Holler

While I was on tour with the Tea Party Express, I met Michael Holler.  Mike is an alum of both the Master’s College and Biola University (coincidentally, that’s where one of my granddaughters is taking her collegiate studies), where he studied literary interpretation and translation.

Mike, one of the nicest guys you’ll meet, spent part of the tour telling Tea Party ralliers about the Constitution — more specifically, the Constitution made easy.

What Mike did was a great example of the American spirit.

He translated the language of our founding document into today’s language and published it in a spiral bound, soft cover book and offers it for sale at an affordable price.  American free enterprise.  It was a huge hit, as many Americans recognized that this was a great learning — and teaching — tool, and snatched up copies of it everywhere we went.

The day we were in Boston for the TPX Grand Finale Tea Party rally with Sarah Palin, my sister Nina and her husband John met me at 7 a.m. for breakfast in the downtown hotel’s restaurant, giving them the opportunity to meet several of my new Tea Party “brothers and sisters”, including Sal Russo, the tour’s chief political strategist.

After taking our last sips of coffee, John rolled my luggage to the TPX Blue bus waiting curbside, and along with Nina, jumped aboard for the short ride with us to the Boston Common. We had a good hour before the rally was scheduled to begin, so we strolled “exhibitors’ row”, an area where folks had pitched their tables and tents to display and sell Tea Party T-shirts, hats, flags, CDs, books, and other assorted patriotic-themed merchandise.

We came to Mike Holler’s booth, where a gregarious gentleman (regretfully, I didn’t catch his name) was greeting and assisting folks who had stopped to leaf through The Constitution Made Easy.

“Let me introduce you to Mike,” I suggested to Nina and John.  Mike was seated at a small table, busily autographing his book for a purchaser.

My sister — among the most practical gals I know — recognized the value of these little books, and indicated she wanted to buy a few to give as gifts.  An appreciative Mike graciously threw in the CD version and Nina was thrilled.

Boston patriots Nina and John

I tell you this story to introduce you to this practical little book.  It will help you read and understand the whole Constitution in under 30 minutes.  It’s a modernized version that places the original text on the left-hand page, the modern English version on the right.

“The Constitution Made Easy — The United States Constitution Compared side-by-side with The United States Constitution in modern English” is under $12.  You can get a copy by  hitting his website at The Constitution Made Easy.

He offers discounts for books ordered in quantity, as well as for educational, promotional, or premium use.

Oh one more thing… Mike loves to talk about the Constitution, and would delighted to speak at your Tea Party rally or your radio show.  Email him:  ConstitutionMike at aol dot com  And when you do, tell him I said hello.

By Radiopatriot

Former Talk Radio Host, TV reporter/anchor, Aerospace Public Relations Mgr, Newspaper Columnist, Political Activist Twitter.com/RadioPatriot * Telegram/Radiopatriot * Telegram/Andrea Shea King Gettr/radiopatriot * TRUTHsocial/Radiopatriot


  1. I got my own copy of it after hearing about it on Doug Gibbs’ show when he interviewed the author. Quite good for students. Also bee promoting it on twitter when I can.

  2. Hi Andrea! Great story about Michael. He was very generous to us while we followed the tour and his book is fantastic. I wanted to let you (and your listeners) know about a comprehensive Photo Journal we have posted on our website. There are tons of great pictures of the speakers and the crowd with signs. There’s also links to all the tour’s websites and we’d love to hear your feedback! There’s also plenty of pictures of you that you are welcome to use. Please let us know what you think and keep up the good work!

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