Day 7 – Topeka Patriots brave the rain!

We are on the road again, following a morning rally in Topeka among some of the most determined patriots in Kansas.  It was a full blown thunderstorm when we awoke at the hotel, and I wondered if there’d be anyone there for what was now shaping up to be a rally in the rain.

I shouldn’t have wondered.  As we made the turn, up ahead in front of the State Capitol building we saw dozens of colorful umbrellas bobbing about in the grey rain.  I was on the phone with Dave Logan, my show producer, and I had just told him that I would be surprised if there was anyone out there, when we turned the corner and saw all those patriots waiting in the rain to welcome the Tea Party Express.  And what a welcome!

We pulled up and climbed out of the buses.  One of our team members was there to hand us plastic rain ponchos and umbrellas as we bounded onto the sodden grass and went into the crowd to thank them for coming out.  Instead, they cheered and thanked us!

Singer Lloyd Marcus climbed onto a makeshift stage – a stepstool – and began speaking to the crowd. His mic wasn’t on, and it didn’t appear that he might have a mic at all.  Ever the professional, Lloyd went with it, breaking into an a capella version of “Singing in the Rain”. The crowd immediately joined in.

I’m singing in the rain
Just singing in the rain
What a glorious feelin’
I’m happy again
I’m laughing at clouds
So dark up above
Cause Obama will be gone and I’m singin’ this song

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Dave was listening to Rush Limbaugh today and said Rush was very focused on the tea party movement. Throughout his show, Rush kept going back to it and when he opened the phones for his usual Open Line Friday feature, people called in with concerns about the tea parties and how the media and the Left and the President are portraying them.  They also expressed their personal experiences at rallies they’d attended, saying that the characterization by the Left is not what they experienced.  One caller summed it up this way: “If the left can’t silence you, they’ll attack you.”

Watch Dave’s site for more info on that.  Later this afternoon, Rush will have the transcript of his show up on his website.


By Radiopatriot

Former Talk Radio Host, TV reporter/anchor, Aerospace Public Relations Mgr, Newspaper Columnist, Political Activist * Telegram/Radiopatriot * Telegram/Andrea Shea King Gettr/radiopatriot * TRUTHsocial/Radiopatriot

1 comment

  1. You will be in my neighborhood soon and I had hoped to come get face-to-face. But I’m working the night before and the night of your visit, and you’ll be a three-hour one-way drive away on the “far side of town”. So… a rain check then?

    Let everyone on the bus know how proud we are of all of you for focusing attention on our out of control government. And let Lloyd know he caused a huge grin to visit this face with his wonderful quick-thinking response to the rain!

    There’s a lotta work to be done, folks. The sooner we get started, the sooner we “get-r-done”!

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