When your children ask “What did you do?” what will you tell them?

We’re getting some great media coverage here on the Tea Party Express III National Tour.  And though we’re thrilled with the media’s interest, we don’t want to let them set the meme, or control the narrative.  All too often, the reporting veers toward the negative, as in TV news programs that open with the tease, “Are the Tea Parties inciting violence?”

All of you bloggers and radio show hosts have an opportunity to grab the message and move it forward so that it retains the true and positive nature of the Tea Party movement. It’s very important to do it now, because this is the time — we may not be able to recapture it once it’s lost to the dinosaur mainstream media machine.  THERE IS NOTHING MORE IMPORTANT THAN THIS TEA PARTY MOVEMENT.

The Movement is driving the Left crazy because they don’t know how to stop it.  They’re trying to tie it to militias, “birthers”, anything they can think up to discredit what Americans are doing to push back against an encroaching socialistic governmental behemoth.  Even Barack Obama came out with a statement on Tuesday that acknowledged the Tea Party movement, and then proceeded to deliberately mischaracterize it (video).

So it is critical to our success in beating them back in November that we control the narrative.  START BLOGGING!  Get the message out.  Nothing, and I mean NOTHING is as important as this movement.

We are boots on the ground here on the TPXIII  tour and we’re meeting Americans like you who are worried, anxious, angry, and apprehensive about what they see happening in Washington.  This is a groundswell movement that is becoming a tsunami, and the LEFT is going to do whatever it can — WHATEVER IT CAN — to discredit and smash it.

START BLOGGING! I’ll be posting as much as possible here, as will my show producer Dave Logan at his site, ThirdWaveDave.  You can also find more information at the Tea Party Express websites.  But look around you and write about YOUR local Tea Party activity.  PUSH it out there!

Look, I know you can’t be with us physically on this tour, but you CAN be with us on this campaign by writing and talking about it.  We’re in the battle here, folks.  And we need an ARMY of DAVIDS.  Uncle Sam needs YOU!

Yesterday, Levi Russell, the TPX III Communications Director sent this to us on the TPX III team.  You might find it interesting to read his thoughts, and the links he’s provided.

Hey TPX Team, thought you might enjoy some of these news hits over the past couple days.  All last week and this week the Tea Party Express has been a major news story, and has been mentioned on TV more than 1,000 times over the past 4 days on CNN, FOX, MSNBC, ABC, NBC, CBS, and C-SPAN, as well as international news teams from Germany, France, Belgium, Japan, Australia, Canada, and Denmark. We have also recently had a flood of requests from liberal media outlets like Salon, Gawker, Wonkette, GQ, and most recently, a columnist from the Wall Street Journal, all requesting to ‘embed’ with the tour.

The point is literally EVERY news outlet has been covering the tour…  So you should know that all of your hard work is being noticed around the world.  Keep up the fantastic work, because as Sarah Palin said, the Tea Party Express rolls on!

Tea Party Express picks up steam
St. George Daily Spectrum

ST. GEORGE – The Tea Party Express will make its first ever stop in Utah today, bringing its brand of conservative politics to Bluff Street Park this afternoon.Party Media Director Levi Russell said the rally will focus on national issues like fiscal responsibility and health care, though the group’s problems with Utah politicians like Democratic Rep. Jim Matheson and Republican Sen. Bob Bennett will undoubtedly come up.

“It will definitely be a topic of conversation,” Russell said. “We hope Utah voters will find a person that better represents conservative ideals.”

Tea Party Express III draws record crowd for showdown in Searchlight

Like the Pony Express bounding across country without concern for rain, snow, sleet, or hail, the Tea Party Express III and roughly 20,000 Americans gathered in Searchlight, Nevada on March 27, 2010 amidst high desert winds, blowing sands, and chilly temperatures to deliver an urgent message to Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV), ‘you’re fired.’


World Net Daily

Tea Party Express: most unique tea party ever!

Tamer Tea Party still large
Arizona Daily Sun

At times, the assembled crowd was so large it overwhelmed the Radisson’s 650-person capacity for its meeting rooms. Tea Party attendees holding yellow “Don’t Tread on Me” flags paced the lobby waiting for their turn to hear conservative speakers talk.

‘Tea Party Express’ stop in Phoenix draws crowd

The “Tea Party Express” was greeted by about 1,200 to 1,500 supporters as it rolled into Phoenix on Sunday, the third stop on a three-week, cross-country tour that ends in Washington, D.C., on April 15.

Tea Party Faithful Are Passionate, But Candidates Face ‘Hard Reality’
NPR (blog)

At the “Tea Party Express” kick-off rally this weekend in Searchlight, Nev., NPR’s Ina Jaffe heard from those who came about their deep distrust of the Obama administration and big government in general, and their belief — as one man put it — that Washington is “trying to control everything we have, from health care to whether you can have a baby or not.” She filed this report for Morning Edition

Tea Partiers Hold Festival In Reid’s Hometown

The event was a kickoff for a national tour of the “Tea Party Express” bus, a project of the Our Country Deserves Better PAC. The organizers selected the hometown of the Senate Majority Leader to show off their opposition to the Dem agenda. Speakers included Andrew Breitbart, Joe “The Plumber” Wurzelbacher, talk radio host Mark Williams, and Saturday Night Live alumnus Victoria Jackson.

We’re on the road with Tea Party Express III « The Radio Patriot
By radiopatriot
I’m on the Tea Party Express III tour rolling along in “The Blue Bus”, one of three buses caravanning across the country to bring the message of REAL hope and change to Americans across the fruited plain. My show producer Dave Logan has

Tea Party Express: On to Utah, and Another Hot Race
Atlantic Online (blog)
First Nevada, then Arizona, and now Utah: the Tea Party Express bus tour is rolling through three states with contentious Senate races in its opening salvo

Reid Supporters Accused of Throwing Eggs at Tea Party Buses
Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid’s hometown of Searchlight, Nev., served as kickoff site Saturday for the latest Tea Party Express tour — and apparently

Tea Party Rolls into Arizona
Human Events (blog)

The Tea Party Express buses rolled out of Nevada after packing thousands into venues in Searchlight and Henderson and were greeted by a much smaller, but equally enthusiastic group of Arizona tea partiers. A fired up Joe the Plumber and former Rep. J.D. Hayworth, the Arizona Republican challenging Sen. John McCain for his Senate seat, were the featured speakers Sunday at the Arizona Capital grounds in Phoenix. Along with the Tea Party Express road show of take-back-control of government commentary and entertainment, TPE Director Amy Kramer rebutted Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid’s dismissal of the Tea Party movement.

Tea partiers gather in Provo, head to Salt Lake City
Salt Lake Tribune

Provo » Several hundred people braved blustery weather Tuesday for the Tea Party Express’ stop outside the Historic Utah County Courthouse.

The crowd, estimated at 400 to 500, cheered on the tea-party speakers who railed on President Barack Obama, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi. Some waved American flags and signs. “We are in a battle for the soul of America,” said conservative radio host Mark Williams. “The health care vote should have erased all doubt about that.”

The Searchlight Eggsperience
Big Government (blog)
Jerry Ragle was pretty shaken as he pulled the Tea Party Express bus to a stop. He had just prevented 40000 lbs. of tour bus from crashing into 15 or 20

Liberal media death spiral intensifies
American Thinker (blog)
CNN, the liberal cable news network which reported “at least dozens” of people attended the Tea Party Express rally in Searchlight, NV last week,


Searchlight, Nevada (CNN) — Former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin kicked off a Tea Party rally Saturday in Sen. Harry Reid’s hometown, encouraging disgruntled Americans to “take back our country” while attacking what she called the “Obama-Pelosi-Reid spending spree.”

“There’s no better place to kick off the Tea Party Express than Harry Reid’s hometown,” Palin said at the rally, dubbed “Showdown in Searchlight,” aimed at conjuring up support for the Senate Majority Leader’s defeat in November elections.

By Radiopatriot

Former Talk Radio Host, TV reporter/anchor, Aerospace Public Relations Mgr, Newspaper Columnist, Political Activist Twitter.com/RadioPatriot * Telegram/Radiopatriot * Telegram/Andrea Shea King Gettr/radiopatriot * TRUTHsocial/Radiopatriot


  1. Since their inception the Teaparty crowd (not a movement since they do have the numbers or clout) have been “haters not debaters”. In my opinion this is what the small portions of the republican party of “birthers, baggers and blowhards” have brought you. They are good at “Follow the Leader” of their dullard leaders, they listen to Beck, Hedgecock, Hannity, O’Reilly, Rush and Savage and the rest of the Blowhards. Are you surprise at what they do when you know what they think? The world is complicated and most republicans (Hamiliton, Lincoln, Roosevelt) believe that we should use government a little to increase social mobility, now its about dancing around the claim of government is the problem. The sainted Reagan passed the biggest tax increase in American history and as a result federal employment increased, but facts are lost when mired in mysticism and superstition. Although some republicans are trying to distant themselves from this fringe most of them are just going along and fanning the flames. Lets face it the Republicans had 8 years to deal with health care, immigration and financial oversight and governance and they failed. They could not even win one of the two wars they started, the body bags are still coming in. The Republicans wanted to give Obama his Waterloo defeat over healthcare but instead they gave themselves their own Waterloo defeat by not participating in the debate of ideas and by becoming the party of obstructionist. But they now claim they have changed, come on, what sucker is going to believe that?

  2. Wow, Waterloo… You have almost all of your “facts” incorrect. You really need to put down the left flavored koolaid and do some research. Lots and lots of research. That is only if you really want to actually learn what the truth is instead of parroting statist talking points.

    TEA parties are the debaters not the haters. Let’s look at the recent specific example of supposed spitting and name calling while the black caucus purposely walked through a TEA party crown in Washington chanting “kill the bill”. Did you know the spittle was accidental and the name calling was a lie? There is video proof. Start here if you want to investigate: http://gatewaypundit.firstthings.com/2010/04/anatomy-of-a-smear-how-the-democratic-reconstructing-the-black-caucus-tea-party-smear/

    You might try reading Breitbart.com, AmericanThinker.com or even NewZeal.com instead of DailyKos. I have lots of good links and so does Radio Patriot. Good luck

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