Transparency Florida. It’s Sunshine.

My local State Rep. Mike Haridopolos who resides here on Florida’s Space Coast was on the Mike Huckabee Show this past weekend, talking about Transparency Florida, a program our state government has implemented to provide Floridians with unprecedented access to state government spending.  Florida’s operating budget and associated expenditure items are posted online.

THIS is what Obama promised and has yet to deliver. THIS is what states like California must do to make elected representatives accountable to the people whose money is being used for state government programs. Take a look at it and call your state reps. Tell them you want budget transparency too.

“Transparency Florida is designed to provide a current, continually updated picture of the state’s operating budget as well as daily expenditures made by state agencies. The numbers are updated nightly as funds are released to agencies, transferred between budget categories, and payments are written for goods and services.

This site is a work in progress; in the coming months our goal is to add more information regarding individual expenditures, vendor payments, and other levels of government spending.  Our desire is to increase fiscal accountability in state spending by providing citizens with a useful tool for understanding how their tax dollars are being appropriated and spent.”

After his appearance on Huckabee, Mike Twittered: Thx to everyone who watched Huckabee! A fun experience for Steph and I! Transparency can help our state…after all it’s your money.

It’s YOUR money.  Y-O-U-R money!

Mike posted a photo of  himself and wife Stephanie, a local physician, taken as they waited in the Fox ‘green room’ prior to his appearance on the set. From his website:

Florida Senate President-Designate Mike Haridopolos will appear Saturday on ‘Huckabee’ which airs on Fox News Channel.  The program is hosted by former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee.

Sen. Mike Haridopolos (R-Merritt Island) is expected to talk about Florida’s efforts to create jobs, his advocacy of energy exploration and off shore oil drilling and the creation of, a Web site dedicated to providing a current look at the state’s operating budget.Transparency Florida provides Floridians with unprecedented access to state government spending information which could be used as a blueprint for other states that want to enlighten citizens.”


By Radiopatriot

Former Talk Radio Host, TV reporter/anchor, Aerospace Public Relations Mgr, Newspaper Columnist, Political Activist * Telegram/Radiopatriot * Telegram/Andrea Shea King Gettr/radiopatriot * TRUTHsocial/Radiopatriot

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